Guests return to White Lodge luxury bed and breakfast Lewes to enjoy the Glyndebourne Tour 2015.
Last night our London guests enjoyed David McVicar's production of Die Entführung. Inspired by the 18th-century vogue for all things Eastern, Die Entführung tells the tale of the young Spanish nobleman Belmonte as he attempts to rescue his fiancé Konstanze from the seraglio (harem) of Pasha Selim, a Turkish despot. Aided by his servant Pedrillo, who wishes to be reunited with Konstanze’s maid Blonde, they set out to outwit the fearsome Osmin with their flight, but instead fall to the mercy of the Pasha.The opera’s humane and surprising resolution defies all stereotypes, capturing a startling contemporary resonance in a story of cultural collision between East and West.Die Entführung is considered Mozart’s first fully mature opera and boasts some of his most spectacularly virtuosic vocal music, particularly for its brave heroine.