There is plenty to do this September in and around Lewes!
Firstly cricket at Hove Cricket Ground continues and we had our first cricket guests this year, who enjoyed watching their team win last week over the four day event. From White Lodge it's an easy trip to the grounds in the morning. Then they explored the beautiful South Downs National Park,
Brighton and Lewes with a bit of antique hunting thrown in. There is so much to do locally its hard to choose!
Next weekend guests from White Lodge B&B can pop into Lewes and enjoy a new one day festival celebration Sussex produced sparkling wine and gin. This is part of the month long festival of food called OctoberFeast.
Tickets to the new festival are a mere £10 for advance online tickets or a limited number will be available on the day. You can buy direct from the producers, learn about Sussex wine and gin production, enjoy food stalls and live music from Union Music Store. All held within the beautiful walled gardens of SouthOver grange situated just below Lewes Castle.
There is already a great line up of local exhibitors with sparkling wine from Wiston Estate, Breaky Bottom, Bluebell Vineyards, Carr Taylor, Bolney Wine Estate, Court Garden, Plumpton, Charles Palmer, Blackdown Ridge and Oxney Estate.We have sampled several local sparkling wines and they deserve their accolades, delicious!
Gin will be from Harley House, Mayfield Gin, Chilgrove Spirits, Slake Spirits, Tom Cat Gin, Rathfinny, Brighton Gin, Plus Noble & Stace & The Sussex Hamper Company.
Sound like a great day out and has the potential to sort out a few Christmas presents! Find out more about each exhibitor or buy your tickets at www.sussexginandfizzfestival.com
Next month the autumn displays at nearby National Trust property of Sheffield Park, if you would like to stay with us at White Lodge luxury bed and breakfast call Ann on 10273 400151, email us stay@whitelodgesussex.com or you can check availability and book online at whitelodgesussex.com.